We have many years’ experience in providing a complete data protected computer bureau and data management service, which utilises both in-house bespoke applications and postal industry software.
Whether you are looking to eliminate duplicate entries across multiple databases, screen against deceased or gone away suppression files or improve the quality of your data through adding new mailing lists, we can offer you a high quality, reliable and cost-effective Data Processing service for all types of campaigns.
Keeping up-to-date records can be a very difficult and time-consuming task – so why not let us take care of it for you. At Jamm we use specialist data interrogation techniques that enable us to generate up-to-date address data. We can also save you time and money by cleansing your data before your Direct Mail campaign by removing duplicates, people that have moved, the deceased and businesses no longer in existence, from your records, and even correcting addresses or new contacts for any returns that may come back.
The Data Processing services we offer include:
* Data Quality Audit Reports
* Postal Address Verification
* De-Duplication / Merge & Purge – Manage multiple files with differing matching levels, and a logic-driven selection hierarchy
* Deceased Screening
* Gone Away Screening
* MPS – “No direct mail please” register
* Database updates
* Match and consolidate against customer supplied lookup tables
“At Jamm our data processing service ensures the integrity and accuracy of your data lists for optimum campaign performance.”
To discuss your requirements or request a free quote, please get in touch with Will Ingram on 0208 331 7200 or by email: will@jamm.co.uk